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T. Rex
Zinc Alloy And The Hidden Riders Of Tomorrow
Explosive Mouth
now I'm popping a few
in the morning dew
do the monkey wrench
all the birds adventures
the teenage night
and the vampires are right

and I want to lay my lips on
your explosive mouth

picked up Kenny
at an art deco date
from tulips he's a cat
with an automated hat
and I need to be free of all the
fantasies I hide in

and I want to lay my lips on
your explosive mouth

its a shame
for man too high
all the things
we do to survive
from this day

now I jump on your horse
and I gallop of course
and howl like a wolf
and drink up the sky
and I beat on my chest
just a punk off the ranch

but I want to lay my lips on your
explosive mouth

its a shame
for man too high
all the things
that I do to survive
from this day

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