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The Ames Brothers
No Moon At All
No Moon At All

- Artist: Robert Goulet as sung on "The Wonderful World Of Love"
- Columbia CS 8793
- charted by The Ames Brothers with Les Brown at # 21 in 1953
- Words and Music by R. Evans and D. Mann

No moon at all, what a night
Even lightnin' bugs have dimmed their lights
Stars have disappeared from sight
And there's no moon at all

Don't make a sound, it's so dark
Even Fido is afraid to bark
What a perfect chance to park
And there's no moon at all

Should we want atmosphere for inspiration, dear
One kiss will make it clear
That tonight is right and bright moonlight might interfere

No moon at all way up above
This is nothin' like they told us of
Just to think we fell in love
And there's no moon at all

Should we want atmosphere for inspiration, dear
One kiss will make it clear
That tonight is right and bright moonlight might interfere

No moon at all up above
Aww, this is nothin' like they told us of
Just to think we fell in love
And there's no moon at all

Aww, there's no moon at all
There is no moon at all
No moon at all

Transcribed by Robin Hood

These lyrics were transcribed from the specific recording mentioned above
and do not necessarily correspond with lyrics from other recordings, sheet
music, songbooks or lyrics printed on album jackets.

All lyrics are property and copyright of their owners. All lyrics provided for educational purposes only.
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