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Bobby Vee

-Artist: Bobby Vee from "Very Best Of Bobby Vee"-United Artists-UA LA 332E
-peak Billboard position # 13 in 1963
-Words and Music by Howie Greenfield and Helen Miller

Pretty charms, pretty little charms
See how they sparkle in the sun
Ding dong ding listen to them ring
They seem to be telling everyone
That you're my-y baby
With a twist of your wrist it can be told
You're my-y baby
There it is, in fourteen ca-a-a-ra-a-at golden

Pretty charms, pretty little charms
Starting from the day we met
The Sweet Sixteen, the moments in between
That New Year's Eve we won't forget
So if some guy should ask you
If some night you're free
Wave him away with a wave of your arms
Do as I say, just blind 'em with your charms
And show him you belong to me

So if some guy should ask you
If some night you're free
Wave him away with a wave of your arms
Do what I say, just blind 'em with your charms
And show him you belong to me

(Pretty charms, pretty little charms)
(Pretty charms, pretty little charms)
(Pretty charms, pretty little charms)

Transcribed by Robin Hood

These lyrics were transcribed from the specific recording mentioned above
and do not necessarily correspond with lyrics from other recordings, sheet
music, songbooks or lyrics printed on album jackets.

All lyrics are property and copyright of their owners. All lyrics provided for educational purposes only.
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