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Bobby Vee
Rubber Ball
Rubber Ball

-Artist: Bobby Vee from "Very Best of Bobby Vee"-United Artists UA LA 332-E
-peak Billboard position # 6 in 1960-61
-Words and Music by Aaron Schroeder and Ann Orlowski

Rubber ball, I come bouncin' back to you
Rubber ball, I come bouncin' back to you

I'm like a rubber ball
Baby that's all that I am to you (bouncy, bouncy) (bouncy, bouncy)
Just a rubber ball
'cause you think you can be true to two (bouncy, bouncy) (bouncy, bouncy)
You bounce my heart around (You don't even put her down)
And like a rubber ball, I come bouncin' back to you
Rubber ball, I come bouncin' back to you

If you stretch my love till it's thin enough to tear
I'll just stretch my arms to reach you anywhere
And like a rubber ball, I'll come bouncin' back to you
Rubber ball, I'll come bouncin' back to you

You bounce my heart around (You don't even put her down)
And like a rubber ball, I come bouncin' back to you
Rubber ball, I come bouncin' back to you
(Bouncy, bouncy) (bouncy, bouncy)
(Bouncy, bouncy) (bouncy, bouncy)

I'm like a rubber band
When on my shoulder you do tap (bouncy, bouncy) (bouncy, bouncy)
Just a rubber band
Because my heartstrings, they just snap (bouncy, bouncy) (bouncy, bouncy)
You go and squeeze me till I'm all aflame
(She calls you by some other guy's name)
But like a rubber ball, I come bouncin' back to you
Rubber ball, I come bouncin' back to you
Rubber ball, I'll come bouncin' back to you
Rubber ball, I'll come bouncin' back to you
Rubber ball, I'll come bouncin' back to you

Transcribed by Robin Hood

These lyrics were transcribed from the specific recording mentioned above
and do not necessarily correspond with lyrics from other recordings, sheet
music, songbooks or lyrics printed on album jackets.

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