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Bobby Vee
Run To Him
Run To Him

-Artist: Bobby Vee from "Very Best Of Bobby Vee"-United Artists-UA LA332E
-peak Billboard position # 2 in 1961
-Words and Music by Gerry Goffin and Jack Keller

If you've found another guy
Who satisfies you more than I do
Run to him, I'll step aside

If you think his lips can kiss you
Better than my lips can kiss you
Run to him, forget my pride

If someone else's arms can hold you
Better than my arms can hold you
Go to him and show to him all your emo-oh-tion

If someone else can make you
Happier than I can make you
Run to him, my tears will dry

If someone else's arms can hold you
Better than my arms can hold you
Go to him and show to him all your emo-oh-tion

If someone else can make you
Happier than I can make you
Run to him, my tears will dry

If it's me you want to love you
I'll be more than glad to love you
Hold you till your life is done
But, darling, if I'm not the one
Then run to him

Transcribed by Robin hood

These lyrics were transcribed from the specific recording mentioned above
and do not necessarily correspond with lyrics from other recordings, sheet
music, songbooks or lyrics printed on album jackets.

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