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Bobby Vee
The Night Has A Thousand Eyes
The Night Has A Thousand Eyes

-Artist: Bobby Vee from "Very Best Of Bobby Vee"-United Artists-UA LA 332E
-peak Billboard position # 3 in 1962-63
-Words and Music by Benjamin Weisman, Dorothy Wayne, and Marilynn Garrett

They say that you're a runaround lover
Though you say it isn't so
But if you put me down for another
I'll know, believe me, I'll know

'cause the night has a thousand eyes
And a thousand eyes can't help but see if you are true to me
So remember when you tell those little white lies
That the night has a thousand eyes

You say that you're at home when you phone me
And how much you really care
Though you keep telling me that you're lonely
I'll know if someone is there


One of these days you're gonna be sorry
'cause your game I'm gonna play
And you'll find out without really tryin'
Each time that my kisses stray

'cause the night has a thousand eyes
And a thousand eyes will see me too
And no matter what I do
I could never disguise all my little white lies
'cause the night has a thousand eyes

So remember when you tell those little white lies
That the night has a thousand eyes

Transcribed by Robin Hood

These lyrics were transcribed from the specific recording mentioned above
and do not necessarily correspond with lyrics from other recordings, sheet
music, songbooks or lyrics printed on album jackets.

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