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Once on this Island
We Dance
Speaking:There is an island where rivers run deep
Where the sea sparkling in the sun erns it the name "Jewel of the Antillies"
An island where the poorest of peasents labor and the wealthiest of grand homme play
Two different worlds on one island
The Grand Homme, owners of the land and masters of their own fate
And the peasents eturnilly at the mercy of the wind and the sea...who pray the gods

Asaka-Mother of the Earth
Agwe-God of water
Erzulie-Beautiful Goddess of love
and Papa Ge-Sly demon of death HAHAHAHA

Singing:Asaka grow me a garden
Please Agwe dont flood my garden
Erzulie who will my love be?
Papa Ge dont come around me
Please Agwe dont flood my garden
Asaka grow mw a garden

We dance to the music of the gods
The music of the brezzes through the green platine
The murmor of the river and the roar of rain and if the gods decide to send a hurricane
We dance to the earth
We dance to the water
The gods awake and we take no chance
Our hearts hear the song
Our feet move along and to the music of the gods we dance

Speaking: On the other side of the island, safe behind high walls and iron gates, the Grand Homme dance to a different tune..La La La La La La La La
They drink champagne entertain tourist at their fine Hotles and tell their servants "Polish up the Mercendes" La La La La La La La La

Singing: How fine our clothes are
We dance
How fast we drive
We dance
We dance at parties
While we are dancing just to stay alive

We dance to the earth
We dance to the water
The gods awake and we take no chance
Our hearts hear the song
Our feet move along and to the music of the gods we dance

We dance to the earth
We dance to the water
The gods awake and we take no chance
Our hearts hear the song
Our feet move along and to the music of the gods we dance

Papa Ge Speaks: Two differnt worlds
Chours: OO LA
Papa Ge- Never ment to met
Chours: OO LA
Papa Ge- But if the gods move our feet

All: We dance! We dance! We dance!


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