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Casting Crowns
Father, Spirit, Jesus
Lord the worship we bring is more than songs that we sing, its a reflection of our ever-changing lives, the best we have to offer. We dont just lift up our hands, Lord we lift up our lives. For we know that you are worthy of all praise, to you our lifesongs raise. Rescued from darkness, we are walking in marvelous light, for we are children of a King. Sing!

You are worthy of all honor, glory, praise and power, the King of the Nations! You are Holy God, Almighty, clothed in brilliant majesty! Father, Spirit, Jesus!

Lord the worship we bring is more than songs that we sing, its a reflection of our ever-changing hearts, the best we have to offer. We dont just lift up our hands, Lord we lift up our lives. For we know that you are worthy of all praise, to you our lifesongs raise. Rescued from darkness, we are walking in marvelous light, for we are children of a King. Sing!

You are worthy of all honor, glory, praise and power, the King of the Nations! You are Holy God, Almighty, clothed in brilliant majesty! Father, Spirit, Jesus!

Resuced from darkness, we are walking in marvelous light, for we are children of the King! Sing! Sing!

You are worthy of all honor, glory, praise and power, the King of the Nations! You are Holy God, Almighty, clothed in brilliant majesty! Father, Spirit, Jesus! Worthy of all honor, glory, praise and power, the King of the Nations! You are Holy God, Almighty, clothed in brilliant majesty! Father, Spirit, Jesus!

Father, Spirit, Jesus!
Father, Spirit, Jesus!
Father, Spirit, Jesus!

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