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Vanity Fare
Hitchin' A Ride
A thumb goes up, a car goes by.
It's nearly one a. m. and here am I
Hitching' a ride,
Hitching' a ride.
Gotta get me home
By the morning light.
I got no fare to ride a train,
I'm nearly drowning in the pouring rain
Hitching a ride,
Hitching a ride.
Gotta get me home
To my baby's side.
Long distant call l got today,
She sounded lonely so I'm on my way
Hitching a ride,
Hitching a ride.
Gotta get me home
To my baby's side.
A thumb goes up a car goes by
Oh won't somebody stop and help a guy
Hitching a ride,
Hitching a ride,
Been away too long
>From my baby's side

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