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The Formula
The Ecstasy Of Free Thought
Do we hear the same music
Do we know the same people
Do we take the same time
to change our minds
and write the sequel
are we in the same picture
one flick of that switch could kill you
will we ever feel the ecstast of free thought

You'd love to know whose side you're on
You're nowhere
you're trapped by information
just let it go
the key hangs with your senses
set the prisoner free

Do we see the same stars at night
where did we leave our education
do we have the same proof
at least to judge the situation
Do we understand morality
from watching television
will we ever feel the ecstasy of free thought


Don't we all start as children
Don't we know how we're guided
All blood that flows is red
why should our skin
leave us divided


how can we fight without a mission
and will we ever feel the ecstasy of free thought
how can we fight -
with no decision
and will we ever feel the ecstasy of free thought.

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